Monday 12 March 2012


Ø       Characteristic of oops

·         Abstraction

Abstraction means to hide. Abstraction is used when only the required information is to be shown to the user and other common information or less useful information is to be hide from the user.

For example: When we go to purchase a car, the salesman does not give information like it has windows, doors, color of the car etc. But he gives information like what would be the average fuel consumption, whether the car has a AC inside or not, what will be the warranty, and any such facility which makes the car unique. Thus only required information is given to the user.

In Php, while declaring a variable, we are not showing to the user what is the data type but we are concerned with the value. So the common properties like the data type of variable are hidden and only the required information which has the value of variable is given.

·         Encapsulation

Encapsulation means to hide. But Encapsulation hides the structure of the object. It means the working process is not shown to the user.

For example: While using ATM when you ask for some amount, the whole transaction process like how the amount came, how the amount is deducted from your savings account is not shown to the user. So to hide the process from the user is known as encapsulation.

In Php, when an addition of two values is done, the process how the value is added is not shown to the user but only the output is given.
·         Inheritance

Inheritance means hereditary. Inheritance refers to the concept of the parent child. Parent class is referred as the base class and the child class is referred as the derived class. The derived class derives the base class i.e. the child class derives the parent class.

So the child class can access the functionality i.e. methods, functions and variables of the parent class. So Inheritance means the derived class inherits the base class.

For example: the parent child concept. The child can use all the functions of the parents. A child may have the same characteristics as his/her parents. So he/she inherits the parents. This is Inheritance.

·         Polymorphism

The word Poly means many. So polymorphism means one name many works. It means that the thing is one but that one thing has many different functions.

For example: Suppose a person is one but he has many roles. A person may be student in the class, at home he/she will be a child, a sister for a brother. So the person is one but has many roles i.e. polymorphism.

For example the operator ‘+’ is used for joining tow strings when used with string type values and is also used for addition of two integer type values. If we write “Hello” + “World” it will join both the strings as Hello World. If we write 5 + 5 it will give 10 by adding both the values. So this is one name many works that is polymorphism

Ø       Class

·         A class is a concept of object oriented programming language. A class contain methods, function and properties.


class classname
Variable declaration
Funation declaration

  • A class definition always begins with the keywords “class”, followed by an identifier that represents the name of the class.
  • This are followed by a pair of curly braces ({}) that contains the member of the class.


class test
                   var $number;
                   function set($n)
                             $this->number = $n;
                   function get()
                             echo "Number Is ".$this->number;
          $obj = new test();


               Number is 10

Ø       Constructor

  • A Constructor is a special type of subroutine which is called at the creation of the object of the class.
  • The task of Constructor is memory initialization of the variables that are declared in the class. It can accept parameters which are passed when the object of the class is created.


function __construct([variable])
Variable initialization


function classname([variable])
Variable initialization


          class test
                   var $name;
                   function __construct($nm)
                             $this->name = $nm;
                   function display()
                             echo "Name : ".$this->name;
          $obj = new test("hello");


               Name : hello

Ø       Destructor

  • Destructor is a method that is used to release the memory of the variables that were initialized.
  • The destructor method will be called automatically when all the references to a particular object are removed or when the object is explicitly destroyed.


                   function __destruct()
                             Release variable space from the memory


                             class main
                                      var $name;
                                      function main ($nm)
                                                echo “Initialized”;
                                      function display ()
                                                echo $this->name;
                                      function __destruct ()
                                                echo “Released”;
                             $obj= new main (“Hello World”);
                             $obj->display ();


                   Hello World

Ø       Inheritance

·         Inheritance means hereditary. Inheritance refers to the concept of the parent child. Parent class is referred as the base class and the child class is referred as the derived class. The derived class derives the base class i.e. the child class derives the parent class.
·         So the child class can access the functionality i.e. methods, functions and variables of the parent class. So Inheritance means the derived class inherits the base class.
·         For example: the parent child concept. The child can use all the functions of the parents. A child may have the same characteristics as his/her parents. So he/she inherits the parents. This is Inheritance.

Syntax for derived class:

Class derived classname extends base classname
          Variable declaration
          Function declaration

When a class is derived the object is created of the derived class and not of the base class. But object of the derived class can access the functions and variables of the base class.


          class test
                   var $number;
                   function set($n)
                             $this->number = $n;
                   function get()
                             echo "Number Is ".$this->number;
          class test1 extends test
                   function __construct()
                             echo "Derived Class<br/>";
          $obj = new test1();


               Derived Class
               Number is 10

Ø       Method Overriding

  • There may be a situation when the base class and the derived class have a method with common name. Now as the object is created of derived class when the method with the same name is called using the object it will call the derived class method and not the base class method.
  • But if the user wants to access the base class method having the same name the method should be override.
  • To override a method the symbol :: (scope resolution) is used along with the function name and the class name.


Base classname :: function name ();


          Class main
                   var $name;
                   function set ($nm)
                   function display ()
                             echo “In main class”;
                             echo $this->name;
          Class main1 extends main
                   var $nm;
                   function set1 ($name)
                             $this->nm= $name;

                   function display ()
                             echo “In derived class”;
                             echo $this->nm;
                             main :: display ();
          $obj = new main1 (); //creating object of the derived class
          $obj->set (“Hello”); //calling base class set method
          $obj->set1 (“World”); //calling derived class set1 method
          $obj->display(); //calling display method of the derived class


                   In derived class
                   In Main class

Ø       Serialize Object

The serialize object is used to store a value in byte-stream representation. The serialize object uses serialize () function which returns a string containing the byte-stream representation of the value that can be stored. This function will save all variables in an object.

The other function that is used is unserialize () function which is used to recreate the original values.


                             Class student
                   var $name;
                   var $age;
                   function student($nm="unnamed", $a=0)
                             $this->name = $nm;
                             $this->age = $a;
                   function displayage()
                             return $this->age;
                   function displayname()
                             return $this->name;
          $obj = new student("ABC", 10);
          $data = serialize($obj);
          $value = unserialize($data);
          $age = $value->displayage();
          $name = $value->displayname();
          echo $name."<br/>";
          echo $age;



Posted By : Hemangi Zala

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